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Book Review: The Winter Harvest Handbook

24 Feb
GREAT READ on the potential and possibilities of four season gardening with unheated greenhouses.

Imagine scrolling Instagram posts and being grabbed by a Martha Stewart post referring to Eliot Coleman’s long time enterprise: organic gardening in Maine year round using unheated greenhouses. This beautiful book has many photos to support the reveal of his family’s passion: life and times growing vegetables for restaurants and markets within a 25 mile radius. Ingenuity emerges in every chapter. Crop rotation, green houses, tunnels, developing custom tools, historical research of Paris in the late 1800s, importance of facing south in the northern hemisphere, custom seeding applications and much MORE. The illustrations are outstanding.

Several years ago my curiosity was peaked by Instagram posts of a longtime friend on the launch of vegetable and flower business supporting the Jonesborough, TN farmers market. Planning involved minimal acreage and a three season planting rotation of most areas. Closed for winter months. Tilling the long time pasture area was challenging. I only briefly saw a map designating plan for plant location and seasonal rotation. Starting from scratch, I wondered how one planned compatible combinations and timing of planting/harvest…so, this Winter Harvest Handbook answered many or most of my questions and more (given the different growing zone). EF


3 Nov

by “Elm Creek Quilts” the book series by Jennifer Chiaverini

I photographed each quilt from my stash.

These were gifts from paternal great grandmother as well both paternal and maternal grandmothers.

This thimble collection is a great pairing with personal quilt collection. It is is combination of utilitarian, simply pretty, souvenirs, even local election thimble “give-aways”. I found Mom’s silver thimble. 🙂

rock, paper, scissors

15 Oct

Or wood, steel

Red, White and Blue

5 Sep


2020 has been the best year in seven years for Red Hibiscus.

Hydrangea and Purple Wave petunias

God Bless America!

LOL! Look! See!

21 May

This Memorial Day weekend…perhaps in a cemetery near you…

I SPY a parking meter!


Then there is the Navy Veteran…

There is a soul who loved his service.

God Bless You!

Walk this way

30 Apr

Planting purple wave petunias concludes five days freshening flower beds

with seven cubic yards of hardwood fine mulch.

Stay at home!  2020


16 Apr



Wild thing.  Office assistant.  Pillow topper.  Beauty.

Found in Dad’s cattle trailer Dec 24, 2007.  Said “good bye” April 13, 2020…

Beginning:  Christmas Eve.  Ending:  Easter.

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Empty bowl                                                                               RIP

News plus flashback

23 Mar

Kenny Rogers, singer, songwriter and photographer passed away.

“The Gambler,” the Grammy-winning story song penned by Don Schlitz, came out in 1978 and became his signature song with a signature refrain: “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ’em.”  In my humble opinion, that line applies in life to more than card games.  (I have been known to quote it.)

Another personal note:  1987 I was astounded by an interview KR did promoting a recently published book.  Amazing professional photography, KR included personal notes about the photo shoots and subjects….80 leading citizens.  Three subjects are former U.S. Presidents.

Woo!Hoo!  My sister was in Atlanta that year and got an autographed copy for me.

One of the joys of having a personal library.  RIP KR

Winter Gardening

7 Jan

Winter gardening means trimming dried perennials and raking leaves.  That is…until my neighbor gave me an amaryllis bulb kit.  Delightful!  (The kit includes one bulb, glass jar and growing medium.)

Jan 6 (Ephiphany)

Delightful Outdoor Art!

9 Aug

Revisited “Artspark” today…lush, dense, summer foliage.

From a Nov 2016 post.  Mother Nature impresses us with bold fall colors and textures.  Bonus discovery!  the Indianapolis Art Center’s featured outdoor sculptures.  Check these out:

















Great way to add interest to parking lot with flowers, herbs, vegetables

Great way to add interest to parking lot with flowers, herbs, vegetables













Canoe launch site

Canoe launch site








There is more to see of the grounds!